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From the smoothness of exposed skin, to the roughness of an amputation scar, the Queen has every range of experience. She knows what it's like to be, from one end to the other. And she loves you. And she wants you to have the best. And sometimes that means some hard work. It means pushing yourself beyond the limits of comfort, in areas you're already not comfortable in, so that you can become all that you are supposed to be. She is the main shaper of your tea Coon (:

She has saved your life more than once before the King,

who would have done you in for what you actually did do.

She distracted him for just a second

and he changed his mind.

She is your mother she will not let anything happen to you if she can help it. But she also knows what you need.

And sometimes you just need a spanking.

So she lets you get it. Just so it'll pull you back - because you've gone too far and you're not listening to her.

We are all just kids sometimes.



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