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This morning the bike felt like a toy in my hands; all light and fast and accurate and grippy and ready to jump around a little bit whenever I need. And that's I think the way that we all want our merkavah to feel. Like we're in control of something that is a very fun interface. And what's the merkavah? It's the way that we interface with the world, one step above. So it's not the actual interface but it's the thing that we interface through. Normally you would be walking on two feet in this world on these trails, but with a merkavah (mountain bike) you're up one level. You're still bipedal, but your feet don't touch the ground. Instead you've got wheels. Does that remind you of any vision of chariots that you can recall? So what was that thing that Ezekiel was looking at? It was a device for interfacing with this world from (at least) One Step Above. It is the model that we should be trying to live our lives through in order to have the proper interface with this world. And so I think of it as a worldview which is a holistic, organized, prioritized, labeled, measured, and drawn out on map, having everything we need to be concerned about in this life - everything that we will have to address along the trail of our lives. If we will Master this thing then it will be like a toy in our hands.



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