Dragonfly, Part 2

Dragonfly, …CONTINUED
You see, if God is not completely good like we declare him to be (it’s no small thing that He is absolutely Good), then the ultimate world-to come would have things to fear in it. And that would not be good and we would not want to go there and so we have to be assured by faith that life over there is really better. But we have to put the brakes on somewhere. Just because we know this, doesn't mean that we can just go ahead and jump to that life on our own by ending our life here (The rules say you can't do that. That defeats what you came for and actually may erase all the progress you made in this episode.) But it doesn’t mean that we can’t bring that goodness of reality into this life and live without fear. I mean if God is good in the next life, He must also be good here. So everything is for our good. We don’t have to fear. We all have our tea Koon and our places of growth which are built during really hard workouts. And so when those times come we just have to see them for what they are and then we are encouraged.
Many of the dueling pairs in the Gemara square off about this issue - the issue of action vs. intention in judging. And so it proves that we have ability and responsibility in both areas. And we also see that animals are held differently and trees and grass and bushes are held differently - which is a clue to the fact that there are really different levels of being.