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(from the scattered notes found in a steamer trunk on the veranda of the estate of the very Auguste Rangier, one of the last of the emissaries under the French Mandate (Syrian Republic, 1930-1939) who maintained a palace on the mountaintop in Tzfat. And it's still there. It's all closed up and boarded over, but it's still there and you can walk through it and that's where I found the steamer trunk full of papers that now we're trying to put together. As I am able, I will transcribe the scattered notes. I am sure they assemble in to a book, but I don’t know the page order. So help me. If you start to see structure in how these go together, please let me know because that's what I'm looking for. Are there certain things that keep occurring that could be grouped together? Are there things that flow together? What are the edges that you see? What are there values being expressed here? This picture were getting from the readings, is it something you identify with? Where are the inner and outer connections? Where are the borders? What is beautiful about it? What is the main thing that gives this thing it’s energy? What are the details? What is the big picture? What is the biggest picture - The Take Away?)



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