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So anyone who is familiar with riding off-road on fire-trails like we have here in Israel is familiar with the issue of having two ruts to deal with; one on the left and one on the right, both difficult to climb out of, and the place where most of the off-the-bike incidences take place. Once you get into a rut, it’s hard to get out – even on a level trail. But on a trail with a 15 degree incline and a 10 degree side rut you have a double slope equation to deal with. The degree of difficulty is additive of all slopes, so now you’re dealing with the equivalent of a 25 degree slope. These complications require more power and attention to trail position. What you want to do is ‘ride the ridge’, the high spot in the middle. And this is how it is in life. If we don't watch it, we can easily wind up in the downhill ditch and then with all the debris causing loss of power and maneuverability, we find it hard to get back up. So it is when we fall off in life to the left or to the right. When we fall off to the ‘right’ we fall into the pleasure pit and we just roll around like a pig in there sometimes and it's disgusting. But then sometimes we fall off on the left and the harsh judgmental and arrogant attitude is just as disgusting. So we have to watch out. If we're on a right side-slope we pull on our left hand, and if we're on a left side-slope we pull to the right in order to stay near that center line. TRANSLATION: If life is pulling us into a pleasure pit, we gotta steer towards accountability to avoid it. If life is pulling us towards being judgmental we need to steer right and relax a bit.


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