The Backstory

So I'm all about the backstory. That's my real focus. When I look at the world I want to know what's holding it up. I want to know the history at the very basic level so that I can respond right to it. You can't just take it the way you found it, because everybody came in midstream, and everybody finds themselves in a different spot to begin but with the sense that there is a better spot to be moving towards. We’re all on a journey. So you have to build the tools (where you’re lacking) to be able to look around and see where we are and where we should be going. So that's what makes me so interested in maps and with history. And even though I crossed over from one realm to another, I'm not interested much in talking about my backstory. It's more important to me what I do on this side of the gap than what I did on the other side of the gap. But I'm finding out just like Ya’akov, our primary forefather, the ultimate mench, that there are some things worth going back over-the-brook for. But when you get there you have to fight the darkest, strongest iteration of the yetzer hara. And you have to win. And if you can win that, then you can bring back the vessels you went for.