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The Way the Wind Blows

The Way the Wind Blows

This morning the wind was blowing out of the North and that's not necessarily such a pleasant thing. Cuz the dump is on the north side of town and when you're trying to bike out there, you want good clean air into your lungs. It would be the same if you were just sitting on the couch, but now you’re over-breathing, so you really don't want all that stuff that's coming from the dump to get in there. Normally, it’s one of the really nice things about living up here - that the air is so very clean. But when the wind is blowing from the north and they're doing a lot of trash work it's not so nice because you smell everything that's not buried properly yet. And it made me think about the camp in the desert. I mean everybody had to have a place where they went outside the camp to dump their waste. And so how efficiently you buried your waste determined what kind of smell came when the wind blew from your direction. And I wonder if Moshe could tell which way the wind was going by the smell in the air? I mean, was it different if the wind was from the East than the West? And then I wonder what it means for us now because the issue now is not the physical air, or even the social and mental air - because we've been through that (see the Model of History) - it has to be the spiritual air, or maybe the spiritual error in the air. And so I wonder what it means that the wind is coming out of the North? In the spiritual, what is the north? Who camps there?



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