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There’s an ancient mystical city on top of a mountain in Northern Israel called Tzfat…

… where, 500 years ago, the secrets of kabbalah were revealed. Even today you feel a difference. It’s one of those spots on the globe where some kind of magic happens. Where the convergence of conditions brings about great occasions for downloads from the Beyond. Kind of like a spiritual North Shore, where seasonal waves are known to get massive and the underwater topography shapes them into beautiful monsters of opportunity for the skilled rider. All the biggies have surfed here: Caro, Alsheich, Cordevero, and the most famous, Rabbi Isaac Luria, the Holy Ari. Combine that today with top-notch wilderness trails and you get good fodder for new twists to unlock secrets of the universe hidden by the masters half a millennium ago. Those oblique truths come to light in something as physical and mundane as mountain biking because of the fractal, holographic nature of reality – which means that truths at one level are repeated up and down through all the levels. So if you can see a pattern of truth in one, you have a clue as to what’s going on in another. And this metaphor of mountain biking has all the right components to match well the common conditions of life: you’re traveling, on a trail, with a tool to interface that environment that has issues of power management and style, speed and balance, timing and gearing and braking, awareness and appreciation, all illustrative of higher life principles, giving us the ability to bring some of those high things down into understanding, so life can flow better and bring more joy.


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