Wandering through the Words (Wandering through the Worlds? Wondering through the Words?)

So yesterday Yoel said something about the way that he paints. He said he doesn't have anything in mind when he starts. And he throws away anything that starts to develop into something in his mind. And it made me think that that's the way that some of these trail talks come about. I mean I do have something that pops into my head, but it's not like I was thinking about it before. So when something comes up I just stop and say it the way I am seeing it. And as I speak it out, the ideas sort of form and organize themselves in a way that I hadn't thought of before. For me it's really an act of discovery to let the words come out the way my brain is putting them together. I feel like you could see the architecture of my thinking by the way the words come out. And it's amazing to me that I can surprise myself! That's really something that I can't explain. I mean how does your own brain produce something if you weren't consciously thinking about it before? Maybe it has to do with your neural network. And how you have it organized, and where you've built your bridges and your connections, and what shape things start to take as you talk. Sometimes they take a shape that you hadn’t/couldn’t anticipate or describe before it happens. But you know that it’s right when you see it. In one way it's the same question I have about dreaming. I mean I've had dreams before where I’m doing something in a field I know very little about and I’m having technical conversations about what’s going on. Or even more strange is listening to conversations where people are talking about things I don’t know about. One time I dreamed I was on a pit crew for a stock car racer when he pulled in for a pit stop. There was a problem with the car and he's yelling at us what the problem is and he's using really technical language for the parts and the systems. I'm standing there listening but I cannot understand what he’s saying because of the technical lingo. He was talking about making some adjustments to the aerodynamics of the car with language and concepts that are far beyond me. I remember waking up from that dream and thinking: well how did I have that dream with this guy talking and saying words that I don't know, if I don't know those words? How does your brain do that? Anyway, maybe what Yoel experiences while he's painting and what I experience when I'm on the trail could become more of a way of life? Not in that we all should become bikers or painters but that we should all have that ‘surprise me, play mentality’ when it comes to the events of life, in the same way that we experience it on the trail or on the canvas.